Journal articles

Fuenzalida, J., Gutiérrez, L., Fernández-Vergara, A.* & González, P. (2024). Red tape and burnout risks in public service: Evidence from a survey experiment of school principals. Accepted Review of Public Personnel Administration. An earlier version available as BSG working paper

Schuster, C., Fuenzalida, J., Meyer-Sahling, J. & Saas-Mikkelsen, K. (forthcoming). Unethical Leadership, Moral Compensation, and Ethical Followership: Evidence from a Survey Experiment with Chilean Public Servants. Public Administration Review.

Ali, A., Fuenzalida, J., Gómez, M. & Williams, M. (2021). Four Lenses on People Management in the Public Sector: An Evidence Review and Synthesis. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 37(2), 335-366. An earlier version available as BSG working paper

Fuenzalida, J. Van Ryzin, G. & Olsen, A. (2021). Are managers susceptible to framing effects? An experimental study of professional judgment of performance metrics. International Public Management Journal, 24(3), 314-329.

Fuenzalida, J. & Riccucci, N. M. (2019). The Effects of Politicization on Performance: The Mediating Role of HRM Practices. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 34(4), 544-569.

Fuenzalida, J., Inostroza, J. & Morales, M. (2014). Alta Dirección Pública Municipal: un primer paso para resolver los nudos críticos de la descentralización chilena. Reforma y Democracia, 59 (June 2014), 119-150 [pdf]

  • Media coverage by Pulso

Henríquez, M. & Fuenzalida, J. (2011). Compensando la desigualdad de ingresos locales: El Fondo Común Municipal en ChileRevista Iberoamericana de Estudios Municipales, II(4), 73-104.

Working papers

Ali, A., Álvarez, L. Riccetto, P., del Carpio, P., El Nouchi, E., Fuenzalida, J., Gómez, M., Hein, A., Molina, O. & Williams, M. (2024). The Dual Imperative of Balancing Speed and Coordination in Emergency Response: Senior Leaders’ Perspectives on Civil Service Transformations and Reform. Revise and resubmit

Gómez, M., Soto-Mota, P., van Roekel, H., Bowers, J., Tummers, L., Kristal, A., Arcain, P., Iocco, M. P., Fuenzalida, J., Massaro, S., Sherlock, J., Hein, A., Collis, H., Cardarelli, T. (2024). Behavioral interventions to increase productivity and wellbeing of public servants working remotely: a multi-country field experiment. Working paper available upon request.

Fuenzalida, J., Fernández-Vergara, A., González, P., Van Ryzin, G. & Alarcón, C. Performance regime features that encourage information use: A survey experiment of managerial decision-making by school principals. Working paper available upon request.

Work in progress

Measuring public sector occupations’ automation potential: Survey-based index development and validation with 15,000 public employees in Chile (with B. Roseth & F. Suárez)

It is not just who you select but how you do it: Understanding the causal mechanisms of merit recruitment in public organizations (presented at IRSPM 2024)

Making top managers in the public sector: A systems-based study of how senior executives thrive in government (with X. Pizarro, C. Faune & N. Riccucci) (to be presented at PMRC 2024)

Longitudinal effects of remote work in the public sector: Evidence from a mixed-methods study of public service professionals (with T. Soto & C. Vera)

Subtle manifestations of politicization and their impact on public servants: Evidence from a mixed-methods study